How do I change the background of a BookView Window?

By David Cox

WARNING: This feature is only in the present Beta version of TheWord. Sorry for not catching this sooner. I am using that version and didn’t notice that it isn’t in the current version.

Actually this is very simple to do. Please remember that TW has an “internal memory” of these BookView windows that you set up, and basically every time you open a new one, it will assign it to an internal slot. So if you change the background on a new Bookview window (having 2 others open), and set it to something, it is in the third Bookview window “slot”. You use a different layout with only 1 Bookview window, you will have to follow the instructions below and redo all of this for the number 1 Bookview window slot. This tip is for those of you who like to “pimp up” their software-system… :) Here is an example of what it will look like…

Personally, I would only recommend pastel colors.

How to Make it

First of all open the Module Set Icon (click the triangle to the right of the icon).


Here click the Options (for using an Image or a Color).


Click on the “Select…” option and then select an image from your hard drive. If you are using something you found on the Internet, you will need to download it to your hard disk first to now install the image here in “Select…”.

PROBLEMS: If you have don’t see the “Reader’s background image” option, try upgrading your version of TheWord. It is probably older.


Both of these options are pretty straight-forward. (Note that I set the color first with still shows on the left hand topics list, then the background image.)
Here are some examples… Enjoy!
Download the background image here (Right Click on Image and save to your hard disk, and then install with instructions above):

background paper seamless
background parchment seamless
background really old paper

Dods-parables Gbk
Dods-parables Gbk
356.0 KiB

Create a New Book Module – theWord new file creation (updated7/17)

theWord new file creation
Create a New Book Module – theWord new file creation

CtheWord new file creationreate a New Book Module – theWord new file creation
By David Cox

Class Objective: In this class we will simply create a new Book Module.

Continue reading Create a New Book Module – theWord new file creation (updated7/17)

theWord hyperlink creation in theWord

Class objective: To make an ebook type topic with an outline and notes, page anchors, and with hyperlinks to these anchors/main subtopics.

theWord hyperlink creation

theWord hyperlink creation. There are many ebook applications out there, one of the best and most popular is a simple Adobe Acrobat file (a pdf file). If properly made, a PDF can have an outline, with a table of contents and each point in it being a hyperlink to that section. There are epub books, and a host of other types of software and formats whereby you can make the material of a book or Bible study into a “public document with navigation”. However, the advantage of theWord over all of these, is that theWord automatically formats and links all Bible references into the Bible, and this default Bible can be switched to any particular version you desire. Many people who use the NIV or some other version as well as missionaries make excellent use of reading an English document but using say a Spanish Bible for the verse references. I personally do this a lot. I can copy and paste the verses in Spanish into some sermon or Bible study I am working on.

See also Setting the Default Bible Version

Basically, this is very similar to regular HTML procedures. The way this works is that you first make an anchor somewhere in the page, and then you type text that will be the text of the menu option, and finally to highlight that text and make a hyperlink to the anchor. See my youtube video demostrating this at the bottom of this page.

Making an anchor

The anchor is where TW will go to when you click on the hyperlink, and it is also what will show (starting there to some point further down on the page) in a tooltip when you hover or mouseover the hyperlink.

To make an anchor, you go to where you want the hyperlink to end up at, and press Control R. This should get you the following dialog box.

You will type in the name of the anchor (something that clearly identifies it) or you can use the default name TW suggests (which is bkm plus a number). Frankly I reserve the bkm for footnotes myself.

To delete an anchor already made you go to the anchor in the text (a dotted green line or a small round hollow circle identifies it), and press control + R to access it. Then you click delete, or you can change tabs and delete all the existing anchors in that particular topic.

Making the hyperlink

Once you have the anchor (which is always first), then you go to where you want the link text to be, and type in that. In long complicated topics, I often will take all the major headings and copy and paste them to the top portion of the topic, type in “Topics” and below that insert these topics, make the anchors, and then link the text to them. The video shows how this works.

Once you select the text for your hyperlink, you press control K. You should now see this image.

At this point your highlight text will be in the field “Text” (towards the bottom, in the above image is it under the last line of the popup box).  There are two key fields here, the “Target verse/Topic” field and the “Bookmark” field.

In the Target Verse/Topic field you can select a Bible version/verse reference (you will need to change the above options in part 1. to Bible. Here we are leaving the top part and just going to select a topic from the current module. Note that all the topics are in this dropdown box, and you can just click into it and start typing if you know the name of the topic. Since we are not linking outside of the present topic we will leave that alone.

Now click in the Bookmark (anchors) dropdown box. You should see this image.

Here in the bookmark field you can choose which of the anchors on this page you want to make the bookmark or place where TW will go to when you click the hyperlink.

The next field beside it is how much will be seen in the tooltip popup which is displayed when you mouseover or hover over the hyperlink.


BookView Topic List Panel

Class Objective: To help the user understand the module’s topic list panel. Bookview Topic List Panel


When using a regular paper and ink book, the smart student will know the existence of a table of contents or index in the front of the book (usually) and if he or she is not going to read the entire book, but check out some part of it, that is where they would go to. With theWord, the module can be made such that each chapter of the book is in a separate “topic” (the equivalent of a chapter in a paper and ink book). By opening the topics panel of a book module, you can then navigate more intelligently the book.

One note: This feature has to be introduced when the module is made, and some lazy module creators do not do this but put the entire work on a single topic (or chapter). Granted that for a very short work, this is fine, but for most works, they need to be separated into individual topics to make them more manageable.

Bookview Topic List Panel

Bookview Topic List Panel
Bookview Topic List Panel

First of all, note that this side panel is attached (always) to the particular book module that is in this bookview window.

Secondly note that there is an icon of an open book just above the panel, to the immediate right of the two green arrows (they may be grayed out if you just opened this bookview window as in my image above). This icon toggles the book’s Topic list panel on and off from visibility.

This topic list is for quick navigation and finding of topics in a book. If you prefer a drop down (where you can type the first few letters of a topic to quickly go to it), then to the right of the book topic list toggle icon there is this drop down box.