Installing theWord on Mac-Linux-Ubuntu

I will be open about this, I don’t have a linux machine nor a Mac. But from the feedback from the many people who have installed theWord on these platforms it is fully possible to install and use the program on these platforms.

NOTE: Being a Mac or Linux user, you should be aware of the possibility of using Windows programs on your platform via a WINE (Windows Interpretation and Emulator). This WINE program is also free. These programs are platform specific, and they allow you to install theWord program on your machine. It is possible.

Video installing theWord on a MAC

The following link is from codeweavers, and I have a little more confidence in it.

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You know, I work hard at my websites trying to provide you with good material that is sound doctrinally-speaking and of interest to God's people. It is hard work, but I don't mind doing it, and I feel called to the ministry, and God will bless me after all is said and done. But in the meantime, I do need to cover my expenses. I have a total of 34 websites (half English and half Spanish), and each one costs about $10 per month to keep up. That does not take into consideration my time and effort in writing content. Won't you consider at least a one time donation to this ministry of $10 or $20 dollars? It would be really great if you could gift me and my wife this money so that we could enjoy eating out at least once in a while. (I pay the expenses for these sites out of our living expenses.) God will richly bless you and repay you for your generosity. 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. If you received some value from my websites, consider at lest a small donation. A big donation would really be nice, too though.
Donate to David Cox Ministries.

Some linux form users talking about using and installing theWord on a linux machine (link below).

This is the only Bible study I have seen that is substantively better than e-sword, BibleTime, Xiphos, etc. I mean, it’s not simply that i “prefer” it, this program really has MUCH more packed in it. It easily installs under WINE, no fuss, no muss. Very customizable, maps, Greek/Hebrew, even BOTH the KJV and the HCSB with Strong’s links, etc.

It did install perfectly using Lucid 5.2 with green_dome’s latest Wine. It runs fine, however, the Basic resources are limited. Just as e-Sword, the program’s feature to update itself and to download additional resources does not work.

So the automatic internal updating of the program and download of official modules via the main menu option doesn’t work under Mac-Linux.

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In my opinion, e-Sword has lost it’s place to theWord. I now use theWord (more than e-Sword)

Just some hints for newbys to assist installation of theWord Bible software. I have found theWord compares very well to and even surpasses e-Sword. Also, it offers some additional free software that is not available with e-Sword.

1. Download and install Wine. Green_dome’s latest version 1.3.14 works great.

2. Download theWord and any additional modules that you desire to install. To install theWord or additional modules, just double click on the the downloaded file.

3. Since this is a Windows program running under Wine, you need to locate theWord.desktop file in order to run it. That file is normally in the /root/Desktop folder and you can click on this file to run the program.

4. If you want theWord to show up in your menu, the included desktop file must be edited since it is different from the normal desktop file that is recognized by the puppy menu system.

5. The attached provides the edited version that works on my system. It places an executable file in /usr/bin, a proper theWord.desktop file in /usr/share/applications, and the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps. Now, theWord is found under menu>Personal>Personal information, and if you desire to have it on your desktop, copy theWord.desktop from /usr/share/applications to your desktop.

Jim –
Description  places an executable file in /usr/bin, a proper theWord.desktop file in /usr/share/applications, and the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps


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