theWord Compare Bible Versions

theWord Compare Bible Versions

theWord Compare Bible Versions
By David Cox

Class Objective: This page will teach you how to set up theWord to study the Bible using various different Bible versions, seeing them side by side, or one on top of the other.


We begin this class with a basic “How to get there”. This option is activated in the BibleView Main Window. Although the Bible Selector Bar will dynamically move the Bible version abbreviations around on this bar, there are two options at the far right that will never be moved around, Compare and Lists. Continue reading theWord Compare Bible Versions

Showing Translator Notes

Showing Translator Notes is a class for theWord on how to turn on and off, and the options for Translator’s notes. Let me just make the statement at the beginning, that this feature is not very much used because most Bible modules (for theWord or for e-Sword) do not have these notes in the module. If these notes are not in the actual Bible module file, they are just not there, you will not see them. Sorry!

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Clipboard Monitor Feature

This video tutorial is by Paul Chapman. In this tutorial Paul goes through how to use the Copy Monitor Verses feature, which is going the monitor the Windows clipboard, and it will allow you to copy a verse reference and with a single keystroke (still in the Word Processor) and it will switch the reference in the clipboard with the reference and the text of the verse(s).

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