Moving Bible underlining

Moving Bible Underlining from one TW installation into another

Topic: Moving Bible underlining
By David Cox

This brief how-to post tells us how to move Bible underlining that the user does into another installation of theWord Bible Program.

Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit: A Biblical Study on the Holy Ghost is a 25 chapter work on the Holy Spirit from 1896. NT and OT verses. Some Chapters: 4. The Spirit in the Word, 7. Pentecost: What it was, and what it did, 9. What Pentecost was for the church, 10. Pentecost in relation to the individual believer now, 11. "Baptism in the Spirit:" His being received, His "falling" on men, and other expressions. 21. Power. 23. Temples of the Holy Spirit. 315 pages.
theWord Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
PDF Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
eSword Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit
MySword Format: Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit

Very simply, look in the theWord home directory (depends on how you installed theWord in the first place) or the user personal folder, and copy the file my.bhls.twm into the same place in the new installation. This should move all your personal Bible underlining to another theWord installation.

Moving Bible underlining

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