Bible-Dictionary Lookup Popup

Bible Dictionaries

Description of Feature

Dictionary Lookup Popup. When you setup this feature of the word, you can quickly lookup the definition of a Bible word in various commentaries completely AUTOMATICALLY with just passing the mouse over the word in a Bible.

Note that TheWord will put as many or as few Bible Dictionaries (optionally any module will work) into the mix to search, and when the popup shows, YOU HOLD DOWN SHIFT and click in the popup window, and you can then scroll down the window to see the different dictionary definitions.

This Bible Dictionary feature is extremely powerful and useful, and you can use it to quickly (almost instantaneously) see many definitions of a word. See below at the bottom of this post for more uses of this feature.

(Note that in the illustrations below, I am highlighting the word I am mousing over in the image so you will see where my mouse is, but in TheWord, the word stays the same color.)


Continue reading Bible-Dictionary Lookup Popup

Module Set: theWord Dictionaries

Class Description: theWord Dictionaries. This post will go through how to make a Module set to see all your installed dictionaries.

Prerequisite: Read and study How to Make a Model Sets.

Resource: Where do I download free theWord Dictionaries?

These are free download sites (as far as I know from my last visit to them) for these works.

Continue reading Module Set: theWord Dictionaries