I have been using the commentaries in TW more, and I want to explain a few new concepts that I am incorporating into the twmodules.com website, the TW modules, and how to use TW with commentaries.
1.) Filename conventions
The first thing I want to clarify is some naming conventions which I am starting to use, and slowly I will work through the entire module database set at www.twmodules.com and rename everything to conform to these conventions.
Purpose: To make the creation of Module Layout Sets easier.
By adding this abbreviations to the actual filename, I am hoping that it will make it easier for people to make module layout sets of a particular type easier. Note that I am also trying to reduce the Abbreviation so that when you use these commentaries with Commentary Linking, they will be concise.
TOS – Topical Sermon Database (TOS)
These files are sermon modules, arranging link a dictionary under a topical arrangement of themes.
TES – Textual Sermon Database (TES)
These files are sermons arranged like a commentary by author, on different verses in the Bible. There may be more than a single sermon in each verse topic.
ExC – Expository Commentary (ExC)
These are just regular expositional commentaries. Note that these are naming conventions solely used by me, David Cox.
more to come later… Please check back…