Make a Donation

Our finances are quickly running out. We have sustained this website for e-sword modules for years and years (since the 1990s), and over these years we have asked for donations to help with our bills, and quite frankly only a very few people have cooperated with something.

Link to Paypal donation site:

Financial Gift Donations

If you receive a blessing from this website and want to keep it up, consider giving a gift (see the left sidebar to donate via Paypal). If you want to send a check, write to me at [email protected] and I will send you instructions. Your check will go to my home church (I am a missionary) and I will get it.

Please help us keep this website up. We work hard to be a blessing to you. Donate to us. Even a $5 or $10 donation is greatly appreciated. All donations will go to pay hosting and domain fees. is the link to get to PayPal.
You can use your PayPal account if you have one, or you can donate using any normal debit or credit card, pay through PayPal and chose just Debit or Credit Card.

Link to Paypal donation site:

So please donate to keep the website up and running.

NOTE: In the memo box on Paypal, please add “twtutorial” so that I know which of my websites you are donating to.

Other ways to make a donation or send me money

Click here to go to the page make a donation.