How to select a specific Module Set

Class Objective: This class will briefly show you how to select a Module Set.

Requirements: If you don’t have any module sets made, you will first need to learn how to make them. See the sidebar “Module Sets” or the How to Make Module Sets post.

Once you know how to make module sets, and you make some, you will need to select them to use them. This is very easy.

First of all, module sets only work with the Bookview window, so open a Bookview window (F12). Now look for the Green icon in the upper left hand corner of this window. Click on it.


To select one of your module sets, click on the green books icon.

Here you can see I have several module sets (upper yellow area), with Commentaries All currently selected.

Note that theWord comes with no module sets pre-made. These module sets totally depend upon what modules you have installed so there is no way for the program to come out of the box with these premade.

You need to make your own before any will show up on this pop up menu.

Copeland-parables Gbk
Copeland-parables Gbk
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Greek Grammars & Helps #3

This post, Greek Grammars & Helps, is simply some good Bible Study resource works for those who read Greek. These works are good reference materials (Greek Grammars) but they are in pdf at the moment. This page has references that will help you in your Learning Biblical Greek.

I would also recommend these Greek Grammar works

Continue reading Greek Grammars & Helps #3

How to uninstall modules

How to uninstall modules
By David Cox

Question: I have many modules installed and they are showing up double, so how do I uninstall extra modules in theWord.

First of all, let’s get some things straight. What theWord presents to you in the book module selector bar is what the module layout set has. There may or may not be multiple copies of the book in your installation. When you setup a Module Layout Set (See How to Make Module Sets), you need to first click “Clear Tree” before you make a new module set, or you risk having some modules show up twice. This needs to be checked first. Continue reading How to uninstall modules

Introduction to theWord Tutorial Website

Welcome to my new website!

This website is set up to help TheWord ( users to understand, learn how to use, and master TheWord. I will be constantly adding new posts to this website with information on how to use the program. What are some of the advantages of this program? 1) Free, 2) powerful for intense detailed Bible study, 3) suited for studies in Greek and Hebrew, 4) tremendous free module library database available, 5) study methods unavailable in other free or commercial Bible software. Continue reading Introduction to theWord Tutorial Website